Thursday, April 19, 2007

Yummy local produce

Over the weekend, we hit a farmers' market for the first time this season - the Ballard market (open year around) is awesome - we picked up crisp asparagus, carrots and this amazingly creamy jalapeno-habanero cheese from there.

So, this has gotten us thinking about possibly getting local produce delivered regularly. I was reading about community-supported agriculture (CSA) which lets us pay upfront for a regular delivery of in-season fruits/veggies/meats - I like the surprise factor here, seems like a great way to experiment with produce that we often overlook when we hit the market (Not sure if Pupp would agree with this :)) Except, according to this harvest schedule, we'll have to eat potatoes and potatoes alone all through April. :) Maybe we'll try it out anyway, April could just be our carbo-load month!

We're considering getting the Pioneer Organics delivery, but I'm also tempted to just stick with regular visits to the farmers markets - there is something incredibly satisfying about feeling, smelling and choosing the produce.

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