Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sitka and Spruce - *drool*

We hit Sitka & Spruce for their community dinner this last sunday. It was *divine*, truly divine. Foodie that I am, I still find it really hard to rank meals (I often revel too much in the moment of an amazing meal), but this meal has got to have been in my top 10 fabulous meals. *ever*

We started off with this plate of cheese and carpacchio, I got anchovies instead - no one told me that anchovies rocked! :)
The next course was ... a celeriac salad! No! I abhor celery (it should be banished from the face of this planet. Really.) But celeriac is celery root, not celery. And apparently, the plant below the soil surface is a lot more appetizing than the part above! The celeriac was sliced thin with tuna - quite yummy.
Then I had a plate of absolutely divine gnocchi with homemade ricotta, while others dined on some liver and beans (they left the liver for Matt's dog!) and apparently to-die-for ravioli with beef, etc.
The turnips and beets that came along were yummy, we ended up sharing it with the folks sitting next to us (Yay for community dining).
And then ... (drumroll please!) - came the most amazing piece of peppered halibut ever cooked. It was *yummy*!
We finished off with this lemon icecream drizzled with a fabulous chocolate sauce. Perfect, perfect end to our meal.

Yes, I *love* food!

Read this earlier today - *yay* for Matt and S&S!

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