Thursday, June 14, 2007

Woooo! First kayak ride of the year!

About time we did it too - given we're doing the kayak segment in the Mountains to Sound relay next week!

It was a pretty decent evening - 70F, partly cloudy. We headed up to Agua Verde and rented our 2-person kayak. Our route included going to Ballard Bridge, possibly past it to the locks. We had a headwind going in and we haven't kayaked all year, so it took a bit to get into sync. But it was a great evening to be kayaking and there weren't too many boats out there, so we didn't have to fight too many waves. It is pretty amazing how different the terrain seems from the water, we often didn't recognize the buildings (especially on the Queen Anne side)!

We kayaked till Ballard Bridge and wisely decided to turn back - my arms started getting tired though Pupp seemed to be going strong. *Yay*! Tailwind! Paddling gets easier! Pretty uneventful, we just moseyed back - saw a ton of ducks and several boats whose passengers were playing some scavenger hunt in the water! They asked us a couple of trivia questions that we didn't know the answer to:
Who is the Norse goddess of love? Apparently 'Freya', but we didn't know that!
And how deep is Lake Union? 15 meters (didn't know that either!)

Took us about 2 hours to do 7.2 miles - *much* slower than we expected. Hopefully, we can get a little faster (in the next week?!!) and paddling downstream along Sammamish Slough should be easier too.


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