Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Go Ms!

Where the hell was my parking karma when I really needed it?!!

I was heading to watch the Ms game earlier this afternoon and made the big, big mistake of driving downtown. What was I thinking? That my reliable parking karma would hold me in good stead and land me a prime spot near Safeco? Well ... no! It failed me! Miserably! I drove around for over an hour trying to find a spot somewhere, anywhere! Finally, finally, after seemingly infinite stops at every light along the way, I was able to sneak into the Qwest parking lot and snag a spot on the roof level. *phew*

It was the perfect day for baseball - the sun was coming out, it was getting increasingly warmer, the Ms were playing the Sox, we're at Safeco (*such* a fabulous ballpark!) - good life (albeit parking woes!).

After a sluggish first half, it turned out to be a great game - right up to the nailbiting finish when Lopez doubled in the 11th to win the game! Ichi rocked with 3 hits (hope everybody remembered to cast his all-star vote!), Putz was spiffy. And I'll let USSMariner tell the rest of the story :)

All in all, very entertaining game. Good baseball, great weather, entertaining fans attempting lame waves! And we kept wondering why there are so many Boston fans at the Ms home game. Well, we don't have the answer. But we sure are not the only ones wondering!

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