Sunday, June 3, 2007

Sorella - *bleh*

Biking to Madison Park left us famished. The problem was that we were craving brunch and the few brunch eateries there stop serving at 1 pm! That is plain wrong - they need to learn from all the great places up on Cap'Hill that dish out brunch till 3 pm!

So, after much fruitless wandering, we landed up at Sorella's - this pizza/pasta place near the water. Looked decent, pizza sounded passable, so we went in there. The guy who handled our order was plain weird - he seemed extremely flustered, even though the place was not packed and tried to rush us through our order. Autumn wanted one of her "custom" italian sodas with little fizz, lots of cream and flavoring. And he didn't seem to think she needed more cream!

Autumn: "I'd like extra cream in my soda"
Guy: "Oh, our sodas come with a lot of cream."
Autumn: "But I'd like more cream in mine."
Guy: "I don't think you'll need more."

Hmm ... wait, so he knows what she wants better than her now?

Autumn: "Well, I'd like some extra cream in it anyway!"
Guy: "I'll bring your soda. And if the cream isn't enough, I'll get you a couple of little containers of half'n'half!"

Give up, Autumn! Just drink that soda. Well, Jeremy will drink it anyway! And he did :)

So, back to our order. We're starving, so we order a 1/2 pesto, 1/2 cheese pizza. And the hummus appetizer that sounds yummy. Except it doesn't quite taste that great. The bread is awesome, the hummus ... tastes like store-bought. And swimming in a plate of oil. *bleh*

Ok, pizza is finally here. Hmm ... slathered in cheese. Not great. Not much to write home about.

Scratching Sorella off our M'Park restaurant options.


Chris said...

From Merriam Webster:
Main Entry: brunch
Pronunciation: 'br&nch
Function: noun
Etymology: breakfast + lunch
: a meal usually taken late in the morning that combines a late breakfast and an early lunch

From wikipedia:
"Brunch is a late morning meal between the typical time for breakfast and lunch. It typically occurs between 9:00am and 11:45am. The term is a portmanteau of breakfast and lunch."

If you want a meal at 3pm, you want a late lunch. You can even call it lunner or dinch if you need a fancy name for it!! ;)

KayKat said...

From the Urban Dictionary:

2. brunch
a weekend ritual for twenty-something New Yorkers involving the sharing of the first meal of the day with friends after a night of debauchery. Brunch can occur any time after noon and before 5 p.m. on either Saturday or Sunday and serves as a great way to catch up with friends over moderately priced food as well as bloody marys, mimosas or several glasses of champagne. Post-brunch activities often include napping or drunk shopping.

We almost qualify. Just need to lose a few years and move to New York!

Chris said...

...and also start some debauchery!