Sunday, May 6, 2007

Cafe Campagne - a must for brunch

Lauren and I headed to the market this morning in our quest for brunch and decided to brave the wait at Campagne. And it was truly worth the wait. I've always felt that their breakfast potatoes are among the best I've ever had. And today we discovered that their Oeufs de cocotte is absolutely divine (Artery-clogging? Probably, but absolutely worth it!). The eggs were perfectly done (obviously hard poached!) and tasted fabulous with the leek cream - which was so light and flavorful, topped off with just the right amount of freshly ground pepper. And the baguette was so crunchy and fresh, perfect for cleaning up the last dregs of the leek cream in our mini skillets :)

And they do dish up a pretty happy mocha too!

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