Thursday, September 20, 2007

Cute lil Amelia!

I've been helping with babysitting this incredible cute puppy - Amelia is from a litter of 6 puppies that Stephanie and Shawn have been fostering for the last 12 weeks. And she's a doll. I'd forgotten how insanely cute and insanely (?) insane puppies can be!

This one does it all: chases her tail, rolls around on the ground, sleeps on her back, whines in excitement for just about anything and mesmerizes all with her cute puppy eyes. She has a fabulous temperament to boot - she's ok running around with big dogs and is completely taken with Vodka (who doesn't quite care for her yet!) It makes for serious entertainment when she climbs all over him and licks his face when perched atop his back! I'm still trying to get a picture of that :)

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